The Columbus Dispatch Advisory Council & Dispatch Reader Rewards- May 2015

What is The Columbus Dispatch Advisory Council?

The Columbus Dispatch Advisory Council allows Dispatch readers to provide feedback about their experience with The Columbus Dispatch.  Reader’s opinions will help The Columbus Dispatch improve product offerings and provide content relevant to their readers.

How do I enroll in The Columbus Dispatch Advisory Council?

You can enroll by visiting www.Dispatch.com/CDAC

Why should I participate in The Columbus Dispatch Advisory Council?

The feedback you provide will help The Columbus Dispatch provide content relevant to you in each of their publications. This is your chance to be heard and affect the future content available to you and your fellow readers!

What is Dispatch Reader Rewards?

Readers can enroll FREE at Dispatch.com/Rewards.  As you complete activities, you will earn points.  You can use those points to enter to win contests or bid on auction items.  Prizes can be anything from concert tickets to a $1,000 cash prize.  Members can enter contests once per day for 0 points.

How do I enroll in Dispatch Reader Rewards?

If you already have a Dispatch.com username and password, simply visit Dispatch.com/Rewards and use that to log in.  If you have not registered with Dispatch.com, you can visit Dispatch.com/Rewards and click on the Sign Up button in the top right hand corner.

How many points do I receive for enrolling in Dispatch Reader Rewards?

You will receive 2,500 points for enrolling in Reader Rewards.

How can I earn points through The Columbus Dispatch Advisory Council?

Readers can earn points through providing feedback and survey participation including articles and advertisements. Points will be rewarded at the end of every month. Incentive levels: 10,000 Reader Rewards points for 1 to 2 surveys completed, 20,000 points for 3 to 5 surveys completed, and 30,000 points for 6 to 8 surveys completed.

What is the maximum number of points I can earn in a month on The Columbus Dispatch Advisory Council?

The maximum number of points you can earn through The Columbus Dispatch Advisory Council is 30,000 points.

What is the process of redeeming my reward points? How often?

On a monthly basis, you will receive bonus codes found in email communications from The Columbus Dispatch to redeem your Reader Reward points.

What happens if I don’t respond to any surveys in a given month?

Response rates will be reviewed on a monthly basis. Council members who remain inactive for 3 months will removed from the council.

How long am I allowed to stay on The Columbus Dispatch Advisory Council?

Council membership does not expire. As long as you are an active member, you will remain on the council. If you remain inactive for 3 months or a patterned response is detected, you will be removed.

Who is reading and listening to The Columbus Dispatch Advisory Council feedback?

Feedback posted on The Columbus Dispatch Advisory Council goes directly to SIRS, an independent marketing research company, and stakeholders within The Columbus Dispatch. Your individual responses will not be identified and responses will only be viewed in aggregate unless otherwise specified.

Can I earn points outside of The Columbus Dispatch Advisory Council?

Readers can earn points by logging in to Dispatch.com/Rewards with their Dispatch.com username and password and completing activities such as answering trivia questions about articles published in The Columbus Dispatch or entering bonus codes found in email communications from The Columbus Dispatch.  Click here to see Earn Point options.

What can I use my Reader Rewards points on?

Readers can use points by redeeming contest entries to contests or bidding on auction items (when available).  Contest entries are 1,000 points per entry.  Auctions require a minimum bid and allow participants to out-bid other participants during the auction window.  You can view available options here.

What if I experience difficulties answering surveys or have additional questions about The Columbus Dispatch Advisory Council?

Please email Dispatch@rdicorp.com

What if I experience difficulties or have additional questions about Reader Rewards?

You can email Dispatch Reader Rewards team at Rewards@Dispatch.com or visit Dispatch Reader Rewards on Facebook or Twitter.